Insider Moves
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It’s time to get returns like a CEO.

Thousands of insider trades happen daily. We send you real-time alerts on executive stock purchases and sales.

"I Invested like the Top CFOs and increased my returns by 3x."

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Who are Insiders?

Insider advantages are hard to find, until now.

Individuals with privileged company information, including key executives like CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and founders, may have insights that could influence the company's stock price.

"The best data points to add to an investment strategy."

"The greatest tool to discover lucrative stocks."

"My Insider Trade alert made me $900 in three months."

Real Case

On May 5th, 2022, the CEO of Uber, Dara Khosrowshahi, purchased $5,345,520 worth of UBER at $26.73.

uber ceo insider trade

"Insiders might sell their shares for any number of reasons, but they buy them for only one: they think the price will rise."

Peter Lynch - Master Investor

ceo uber timeline

Insider Trade Results

Dara’s insider trade in 2022 shows he had strong confidence in the trajectory of Uber. This investment has created a 204.2% ROI valued at $16,278,000, a 3x return.

Real life examples

Insiders have secretly made large returns. Now, you can too!

Walt Disney (DIS)

On Dec 8, 2023, 1078 shares were purchased at a price of $92.69, totaling $99,919.82.

3 months later on Mar 4, 2024 those share sold for $113.28. Creating a profit of $22,196.00(22%).

Uber Technologies, Inc (UBER)

On Jan 30, 2023, 250000 shares were purchased at a price of $20.58, totaling $5,145,000.00.

1 year and 2 months later on Mar 4, 2024 those share sold for $82.14. Creating a profit of $15,390,000.00(299%).

Tapestry, Inc. (TPR)

On Mar 14, 2022, 5700 shares were purchased at a price of $34.60, totaling $197,220.00.

10 months later on Jan 23, 2023 those share sold for $44.47. Creating a profit of $56,259.00(29%).

Eli Lilly & Co (LLY)

On Aug 16, 2022, 656 shares were purchased at a price of $304.19, totaling $199,548.64.

1 year and 6 months later on Feb 12, 2024 those share sold for $794.47. Creating a profit of $321,624.00(161%).

Is Insider Trading Legal?

Certainly! The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires insiders to oblige.

The SEC mandates that insiders report their transactions within two business days through filing Forms 3, 4, and 5. Subsequently, the SEC makes these filings public, and we provide you with alerts accordingly.

filing drawer

Early Insights

SEC Form 4 filings provide investors with early insights into significant transactions made by company insiders. By monitoring these filings, investors can stay ahead of market trends and potential stock movements.

Alignment of Interest

Alignment of Interest: Insider trading activity can reveal valuable information about the sentiment and confidence levels of company insiders. When executives buy or sell shares of their own company, it can indicate their belief in the company's future prospects.

Risk Management

Risk Management: If multiple insiders are selling significant portions of their holdings, it may signal concerns about the company's future performance. By being aware of these insider transactions, investors can make more informed decisions about their investment strategies.

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“The subscription paid for itself!”

I got an alert from Insider Moves about a company where the CEO and CFO bought thousands of shares. After some research, I learned it was on track to profit this quarter. I invested $90 and a month later earned 6 times that amount!

- J. Swire

Why Insider Moves?

We believe in introducing transparency between insiders and the public.

Insider Moves does not give any financial or investment advice. Instead, we aim to make the secrecy of these vital insider trades easily consumable and accessible for our users when making a more informal investment strategy.